The Art of Manipulation - Dark Psychology

The Art of Manipulation

The Art of Manipulation - Dark Psychology

The Definition of the word "Manipulate" is " To change by artful or unfair means so as to serve ones purpose."

This Definition Encompasses a Large number of Human Behaviors and Strategies for getting what we want, Especially From other People, and the Topic we will be Discussing has to do with Manipulation when it is Done with Intentional Trickery that is Designed to be Undetected by the Victim.

This is What we call "Dark Psychology".

Dark psychology is all about the Human Mind and Changing the Conditions of Thought and Emotion in order to get people to do things and think things they would not necessarily have of their own volition.

Manipulation can be Accomplished in many different ways, and it is not always accomplished consciously on the part of the user.

In other words, people can behave in ways that are conductive to getting what they want from others through manipulation without having any forethought or planning to use manipulative strategies.

Manipulation is Tricky, as it is used and practiced everywhere and by everyone, though the intent is not always malicious and the tactics themselves are not always readily identified. 

For sure, People can be manipulated by an individual who then Disappears after getting what they aimed to get, never to be seen again and without the victim knowing what had happened.

Often, a victim only realizes much later or after experiencing manipulation when it is too late or when the Bulk of the Damage has already been done.

So what are some of the things that Motivate people Manipulate others?

  • Goals and Intents of Manipulation

There are certainly too many possible answers to this question to cover all of them here, but there are some general assumptions we can make in order to pinpoint the answer to why a person chooses to use manipulation and other Dark Psychology Techniques.

We can reasonably assume that the practitioner chooses manipulation because there doesn`t seem to be another way or that it is the easiest way.

Manipulation may be the Last Resort when other, more straightforward tactics fail. But it might also be the tactics of choice for the practitioner simply because he lacks the means or capacity to accomplish his goal by more ethically sound routes.

This is the case when we talk about deviant personalities, such as Narcissism.

The Narcissist does not have the capacity to commiserate or empathize, or even feel compassion for other Human beings. Therefore, he must put on the mask of someone who shares these traits in order to form relationships that will help him accomplish his Goals.

In other instances, a Person of "Normal" capacity for Human Relationships might turn to manipulation because it is an easier way to get what he wants.

The user might recognize and even be able to feel the Guilt or Shame that might accompany the use of such Tactics but chooses himself and his Goals above the concern of others and/or his Victims' well-being, emotional and otherwise.

The Goals of People who Practice Manipulation can be simple, complex, or nearly unfathomable to those who would never knowingly cause Harm through the use of Dark Psychology. 

The Goal might be Financially Focused, or a Position of Power and Influence, or the Practitioner simply wants to Earn Admiration and Rapport with others who are Powerful and Influential.

The Goals may be Short-Term, such as coming up with a distraction to a person walking by to Pick something from his Pocket.

It can also be Long-Term, such as the Adoption of a complete Alternate Personality in order to Lead a Double Life alongside Another. 

The amount of Planning and Forethought varies quite a bit as well, depending on many different Factors and Intentions.

  • Where is Manipulation Used?

The unfortunate Truth here is that Manipulation is used nearly anywhere, as long as there are people to manipulate; it's as simple as that. 

No Person nor the Environment is Necessarily Safe from such Practice because Manipulation itself is something both innate in all human beings to some degree and easily developed as a Life Skill for those who choose to use Manipulation as Part of their Survival on a Regular Basis. 

We all use Manipulation to some Degree at some point over the course of our Lives, and this occurs in any Environment where we Interact with other People.

The Difference between you and those who Practice Malicious Dark Psychology Tactics is that their Intents are Focused and Amped to the Highest Intensity possible to ensure that they are exercising as much influence as possible to fundamentally change the victim`s mind for a period of time.

  • Who Uses Manipulation and Dark Psychology?

Those who use Dark Psychology on a deep level and on a Regular Basis are those who are also Successful in presenting to other people a Persona and Demeanor completely different than the one on the inside.

We`ve all heard a story on two about a criminal who was apprehended in a community where the Individual had convinced a lot of people that he was just a kind man or a Regular Joe in Town.

These types are often the most successful, most Ruthless, and who has the longest career in Terms of their Criminal or Psychological Intents against Victims.

But Dark Psychology is not Limited, as we`ve discussed, to the criminally oriented or those with deviant Personalities.

While Manipulation and Dark Psychology can be a way of Life for some, others use it for the sake of a very Specific Goal. 

For Instance, take the Tragic example of young addict who uses a cycle of Manipulation on his Parents in order to get something he needs to Feed his Habit. Perhaps he disappears for weeks at a Time and only comes Home when he Needs Money. He might Prey on his Parents` Love and Need to Support Him by Playing the Part of a Needy Son who just needs Love and Support to get Better. 

Just when the Parents are convinced he is on the Right Path, he takes what money he can from them and Leaves to Repeat the Cycle again until he needs more support. This Type of Cycle can Occur in a number of ways and Manifestations. 

Someone addicted to Empathy and Attention from others might make up Ailments or Predicaments in order to feed that Emotional need and Recover only to think of another Ruse when He/She feels Needy Again.

Why is Learning About Manipulation Important?

The Practice and Context of Dark Psychology and Manipulation Range from Simple Motivations to very Complex Long-Term Plans. Some Readers, at this very moment, suspect they may be bending to some form of Dark Psychology in their Lives and Hope to Educate themselves on How to Break these Cycles, while others want to safeguard themselves against the possibility of Dark Psychology being used on them after witnessing the harmful effects of such acts on a loved one.

Contrary to many People`s Protecting yourself against Dark Psychology and Manipulation is not just a matter of being Smart and More Intelligent than the Next Guy. Victims of Manipulation are not just "Too Dumb" to figure out what`s happening to them.

Anyone who experiences emotions and thinks like a Human Being is a Potential Victim, and those who have Experienced such Trauma from a Psychologically Abusive Scam should not feel like they are just Hopelessly less Observant than other people.

There are things you can do to Improve the Chances that you will Recognize and be able to act before these Tactics are Successfully used against you in the Future.

One of the Most Important steps is something you are already doing - Educating yourself on How these People Work and what the Tactics Look Like in the Moments when it counts.

Remember, Guarding yourself against Complex People who might be using Dark Psychology on you is one thing, But it`s Important to Remember that those you Love and Trust have the Most Power when it comes to Inflicting Psychological Harm.

The stranger who wants to use you to some end has the Initial Goal of creating a Relationship or Interaction with you where they Gain your Trust,

But, someone who is already in your Life as a Person you Love has Probably already Accomplished this Goal. 

People who are Initially Trustworthy, Respectful, and Compassionate Individuals do not often switch Gears and become Malicious, but you must Recognize that there might be Key Differences between the core of those whom you choose to have in your Life and those who are Members of your Family or Already Part of your Life in some way.

Sometimes, However, it is up to the Victims themselves to make the Real Change and Remove themselves completely from a situation like this. You cannot Force someone into tearing away from someone with whom they have formed a strong Attachment, and one of the key Tactics of Manipulative Partners is to Sever Ties between the Victim and His/Her Family and Loved ones.

The idea is to make Victim`s whole world Revolve around the Dark Psychology user.

With this in mind, if you suspect that someone you Love is under the Influence of Dark Psychology or Manipulation with Malicious Intent, do not let this Person Tear the Victim away from you if Possible. Remain in their Lives, No matter how much the Abuser has Turned the Victim Against You.

If you Recognize that the Behavior is way out of character, then you can decide that there is some outside influence being Injected, and this is most often accomplished through Lies and Complex Forms of Emotional and Dependency Manipulation.

The Best thing you can do is Remain as Close as Possible to the Victim until He/She is Ready to Realize what`s Happening.

If you Believe Someone you know is in Physical Danger from an Abuser, it is Important that you Notify Authorities and Have Law Enforcement or Protection Agencies Intervene as soon as Possible

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