First of all, set aside time each day for a brief Meditation. Yes, I said Meditation. If you don`t know anything about Meditation, Don`t Worry.

There is a lot of convoluted information out there about the Practice, but the core of Meditation and its Practice is actually quite simple. To begin, we suggest you set aside just 10 to 20 minutes a day to be alone in a quiet place. The object of this time is to pull you away from your daily distractions in order to address that place inside of you that is insecure or less confident than the person you work hard to portray to others. 

You must take a look inside yourself and determine the source of your Insecurity in order to address it Meaningfully. If you are a total beginner with Meditation, Practice by simply paying attention to your breath as you breathe deeply through out the course of your time and set aside for meditation.

Try to center your thoughts in the present and on your breath, and when you catch your thoughts wandering, gently redirect your focus. Don`t Worry about clearing your thoughts like erasing a blackboard; it will be impossible to just get rid of your thinking mind, and failing will just make you more frustrated with the process.


Let your mind wander if it wants to - and it probably will for the first few sessions - but they just bring your focus back to your breath, like a reminder now and again. Once you feel comfortable with this simple concept of meditation, try to move on to a session when you pinpoint the things about yourself from which you draw strength. 

Focus on the strengths rather than the weaknesses, and this will be the focus of your new meditation. 

  • What can you use to build your self-confidence? 
  • Are you good at your job?
  • Are you hood at being a spouse or Partner?
  • Are you good at a certain craft or hobby?
Whatever it is, you want to re-establish for yourself that these pastimes have value and that they make you unique. They should have more weight than the frivolous preoccupations most people have with physical appearance and impressions that come from superficial values, such as money, possessions, and position at work. It`s not a bad thing to be proud of these aspects of your life if you have them, but they will never fulfill the Real Person inside who is asking for more in Life.

You cannot derive happiness and confidence purely from the influence of others; it is something you must cultivate within yourself. Make sure you are following your own path, with your own Goals waiting for you at the End. Reaching such Goals will renew your Life and Self-Esteem.

Take Care of Your Health and Body

Another thing that will help you build self-esteem is to take better care of your body. The Idea here is not to lose weight to become attractive to other people; it is to improve your health and boost your sense of overall well-being and confidence. Do it for yourself first and foremost, not to look good for other people. 

You might see areas of Improvement, such as the way you eat or your exercise habits. Try to find something in the exercise realm that you genuinely enjoy so that the exercise does not just feel like an obligation.

Doing this will make sure that you don`t give up early on, out of boredom. In addition, finding an exercise that involves being outside will do a lot for your mood overall, which is always good. If you find that you often suffer from bouts of anxiety or even Depression, sunlight and fresh air are proven remedies that can help you get back on track and find yourself and your confidence again.

So Work on this Now, and in Next Part of this Topic we will Discuss About :

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